GBA Emulator 2016

Nama Emulator      : GBA Emulator 2016
Versi Terakhir         : 9.3
Update Terakhir     : February 18, 2015
Emulator                : Game Boy, Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance
Operasi Sistem      : iOS


GBA4iOS is a Game Boy emulator that was launched for iOS device a little while ago, which took advantage of an App Store loophole that Apple has since closed.
However, the new GBA4iOS 2.0 has now been released and let’s you play GBA titles without having to jailbreak your phone, and it’s surprisingly easy.
First head to the GBA4iOS website and find the download link for the latest 2.0 edition of the app, specially designed for iOS 7 devices like the iPad Air and iPhone 5S.
Before you hit download though, you’ll need to change the date on your device to before February 19 2014 manually within the settings app.
Then you can download GBA4iOS 2.0 directly to your device as its very own app on any iOS 7 device, including your iPads.
Within the GBA4iOS app is an in-built browser directing you to all the Game Boy Advance and Game Boy Colour titles available. We found that you’ll need to change the date to some time in 2012 in order to download the games, but after that you can go back to normal.
when launching the app for the first time, there is a disclaimer that suggests the app may have problems if the date and time are changed back to the present:
“If at any time the app fails to open, please set the date back on your device to before February 19, 2014, then try opening the app again. Once the app is opened, you can set the date back to the correct time and the app will continue to open normally. However, you’ll need to repeat this process every time you restart your device.
We tried it repeatedly closing and relaunching the app and had no issues, even when resetting our phone to the current date and time.
However, when turning our phone on and off again, the ap failed to open at all until we changed the date back a few days.
The games all work fantastically though and give your phone a little retro chic. There’s also support for cheats and custom skins, which is great.
All the game also support iOS 7 controllers like the Logitech PowerShell and SteelSeries Stratus.


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